Saturday, March 17, 2012

Rainy Days

I like rainy days. I like them a lot, actually. And I think my bias towards rainy days comes from the fact that they are a novelty, especially where I live. In Southern California, where even in the winter the average weather is about 75 degrees and sunny, rainy days are rare, and I cherish those rare moments. I've grown to love those moments so much that I know they have affected the way I think.

This is especially true with my memory. I remember the best moments in my life as cloudy days. When I pull up memory from my brain, the images that come out are grainy and muted in color. Mental replays of first kisses, graduations, and long, thoughtful gazes toward the Pacific horizon have been altered into a gray-blueish color pallet, with the sun either completely obscured by clouds, or its round, fiery glow subdued in the dark sky.

This seems like a dreary way to look at the world, but it's not that way to me. Rain means water, and water stands for life, fluidity, and sailing paper boats on a small stream running through street gutters (which really did happen on a rainy day). Given that, I'd say that I'm quite content with the way things look to me.

If you had expected this to be a St. Patrick's Day related, I'm sorry to disappoint. The FB computers didn't read into the context of my status update and decided that my post had something to do with the holiday. I love technology!

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