Wednesday, January 20, 2010

In my mind, embarrassment has a value and is created with each post I make here. And, in my mind, its value can degrade over time.

In this case, I like to hide for a few months until the embarrassment dissipates. Then I'll post something else - that gives me a new reason to hide again.

I can also bury the value through consistent posting. You know, that whole law of diminishing returns deal. People will get so used to my weirdness and idiocy that they'll take it as something normal.

Maybe I'll try the latter this time.

1 comment:

Brian said...

I say fuck em. Its your thoughts, blast them onto the internet. If people don't like it they can look elsewhere for entertainment.

I am afraid of diminished returns as well, but the alternative is simply not writing, and in the process of constant writing I think it gets better.

But what do I know? I haven't written anything in about a month as well.